Detroit Mustache Dache

A race full of fuzzy mustaches, Atwater Beer, mustache medals, mechanical bulls, mustache tetter totters, and the Detroit Riverfront. What’s not to love? The Mustache Dache was a fun and unique 5k race.  I decided to wear my cape from the Warrior Dash, a fuzzy stick on mustache, and my newly purchased shwings. The race was hosted by…

Pumpkin Spice Pre-made Morning Fuel

Now that the time has changed I officially switch my runs to the morning. I love when I find a breakfast recipe that I can make ahead. Not having to worry about cooking after I run makes my morning so much more manageable. This pumpkin spice overnight oats in a jar has the perfect combination…

Three tips to speed up muscle recovery

I am sure that at some point in your running career you have experienced the delayed onset pain after a strenuous workout. This delayed pain, known as delayed onset muscle soreness, is caused by inflammation from microtrauma to your muscles during your workout. However, there are a few things you can do post run or…